Warren County Ohio Sheriff's Office

D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention

Lt. Nick Marconi
Lt. Nick Marconi
Deputy Katie Barnes, Crime Prevention D.A.R.E. Deputy
D.A.R.E Deputy
Deputy Jacob Halsey
Deputy Kelly McKay, Crime Prevention D.A.R.E. Deputy
D.A.R.E Deputy
Deputy Kelly McKay

Deputy Katie Barnes was assigned as the Deerfield Township D.A.R.E. officer and Crime Prevention Officer in 2020. She teaches D.A.R.E. at Columbia Elementary, St. Margaret of York and Little Miami Schools.

Deputy Kelly McKay was assigned as Warren County D.A.R.E. Officer and Crime Prevention Officer in 2014. She teaches D.A.R.E. at the schools in Carlisle, Franklin, Waynesville and Little Miami Schools.

Together they teach over 1300 students each year. Both Deputies also attend many community events which include but not limited to: Warren County Fair, Crime Prevention talks and Women's self defense classes.